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Sayfa Adresi : https://www.projehaberleri.com/haber-detay/207_moleskine-foundation-launches-creativity-pioneers-



Moleskine Foundation launches Creativity Pioneers Fund

(17 Ay, 16 Gün önce) 377 İzlenme 0 Yorum
Deadline Date: 14-May-2023 Donor Name: Moleskine Foundation Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Moleskine Foundation has launched the Creativity Pioneers Fund (CPF) that catalyzes transformational social change by investing in, connecting, and championing cultural and creative organizations that advance bold and unconventional practices for building a more just, inclusive, and equitable world.

Working with and alongside organizations, donors and other stakeholders across the creative ecosystem, the Creativity Pioneers Fund aims to mobilize a collective effort to advance Creativity for Social Change. The Fund is administered by the Moleskine Foundation, in partnership with a growing number of resource partners.

The Creativity Pioneers Fund was launched in 2021 by Moleskine Foundation to provide flexible funding, through a grant worth €5,000, to creative and cultural organizations, helping them sustain their core functions and programs and strengthen their ability to continue to serve their communities over the long term.

Funding Information
  • Unrestricted funding (with a 5,000 euro grant) is available to organizations that demonstrate how they center creativity in their mission and programs. Organizations whose target audience is youth (17-27 y.o.) will be prioritized.
  • They will take into high consideration applications coming from organizations focused on inclusivity, supporting minority groups and underserved communities.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The Creativity Pioneers Fund welcomes applications from organizations working across the globe.
  • Support is granted only to non-profit organizations that are legally registered and operating in the countries in which they operate, with no limits on geographic origin.
  • Organizations that place creativity at the center of their mission and programs, demonstrating how they strengthen the role creativity plays in the social transformation of their target communities.
  • Priority is given to organizations focus their work on disadvantaged and/or marginalized communities and that work primarily with youth.

Organizations are not eligible to apply:

  • If they have already received grants from the Creativity Pioneers Fund.
  • If they represent political parties, religious organizations or engage in lobbying activities.
  • If are not legally registered or are supported by a fiscal sponsor or sponsored project.

For more information, visit Moleskine Foundation.  https://moleskinefoundation.org/initiative/creativity-pioneers-support-fund/ 


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