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Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness

(1 Yil, 11 Ay önce) 402 İzlenme 0 Yorum
The PROTECT project will contribute to the coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTQI persons, young men and boys). Objectives: • Strengthen and adapt existing national support services for SGBV to coordinate better and include refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers • Build capacity for professionals who work with/for refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers to identify and address the needs of (potential) victims of SGBV more effectively • Empower and inform refugees, migrant communities and asylum-seekers of SGBV and its prevention through a regional awareness-raising campaign. The project will work with State authorities, first responders and service providers as well as refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers.


Preventing SGBV against migrants and strengthening support to victims  GBV-AG-2017.


Project Title: Preventing SGBV against migrants and strengthening support to victims






The PROTECT project will contribute to the coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTQI persons, young men and boys).



• Strengthen and adapt existing national support services for SGBV to coordinate better and include refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers

• Build capacity for professionals who work with/for refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers to identify and address the needs of (potential) victims of SGBV more effectively

• Empower and inform refugees, migrant communities and asylum-seekers of SGBV and its prevention through a regional awareness-raising campaign.


The project will work with State authorities, first responders and service providers as well as refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers.



• Regular interagency working group and multidisciplinary stakeholder meetings at national and regionallevels

• Develop/review SOPs or Guidelines on SGBVin the context of migration

• Develop and facilitate capacity-building tools and trainings for professionals on SGBV in the context ofmigration

• Develop a regional SGBVinformation campaign strategy

• Develop and disseminate informational materials and organize information sessions on SGBVfor refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers


Expected results:

• All stakeholders are actively engaged in facilitating unhindered access to support for refugee and migrant (potential) victims of SGBV

• Strengthened capacity of professionals to respond more effectively to SGBV in the context of migration

• Increased awareness of SGBV in the context of migration among refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers



• Needs assessment mapping exercise per country

• 8 SOPs or guidelines developed/reviewed/contributed to

• Capacity building tools and train the trainer manual developed and piloted

• 129 capacity building trainings held

• 13.200 information packages distributed

• 232 information sessions held

Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness

Project Title:

Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender Based Violence Awareness inEurope

Overall objective: To strengthen the statutory response to GBV affecting children &youth on the move in EUcountries


Specific objectives:

• To enhance availability of accurate data on GBV against children & youth on the move;

• To develop knowledge and capacities of care professionals to raise awareness, identify & address specific forms of GBV among children & youth on the move;

• To support & promote multi-agency collaboration & learning on GBV against children & youth on the move through regional community of practice;

• To empower children & youth on the move to build positive relationships, awareness & understanding of GBV & support them to report, prevent, mitigate & address it



• Data collection;

• Capacity building of professionals & youth through blended learning;

• Regional community of practice through online platform for professionals;

• Awareness-raising campaigns on GBV by children & youth Beneficiaries

o 118 professionals trained;

o 1000 professionals benefit from online learning;

o 60 youth facilitators trained;

• 1000 children &youth on the move;

• 7000 professionals sensitized



• Data on GBV amongst children & youth on the move collected, disseminated & used to inform practical interventions

• Care professionals are able to raise awareness, identify & address GBV due to improved knowledge, attitudes, capacity & practice

• Regional community of practice on GBV amongst children & youth on the move strengthened through increased cooperation & learning between care professionals & greater coordination, sharing & access to resources offered through online platform

• Children & youth on the move have increased awareness & understanding of GBV & are empowered to keep themselves and their peers safe & lead awareness-raising campaigns



• 1 data methodology & tool,

• 1 ToT & workshop,

• training manual,

• e-learning course,

• 1 ToT roll out/country,

• 4 events,

• 120 sessions w/ children,

• 20 campaigns,

• 1 platform with 1000 items,

• thematic package,

• 6 newsletters/webinars,

• 12 case discussions



Working Along with Key Experts (WAKE)  JUST/2014/SPOB/AG/VICT


1. Objectives

The project aims overall to improve the real, day to day situation of victims of crime to the greatest extent possible and to reduce their discrimination experiences in Cyprus. The specific objectives are the identification of the training needs of the professionals of the relevant government authorities (Ministry of Justice and Public Order, Health, Labour and Social Insurance and Education and Culture) and other practitioners coming into contact with victims of violence and crime and to improve their capabilities through trainings so as to operate in a more respectful, impartial and professional manner. Fostering the exchange of good practices on identification and screening processes of victims and their needs is another objective to be obtained through the proposed project, inaddition to sustaining a network and good working relationships between the involved actors.


2. Activities

The project activities will begin by undertaking desk and field research so as to establish the current situation and system in Cyprus, when dealing with victims of violence and crime. Thereafter, a training seminar for the trainers on issues interlinked with access to justice for victims will be organized and training material will be formulated, including issues linked with victims of domestic violence, victims of sexual abuse, immigrants and trafficking victims etc. Furthermore, the partnership will organize workshops and case studies tailored to the needs identified through the survey, which will be delivered from local experts. The creation of Guidelines and the design of an application for screening victims will be facilitated through the exchange of good practices, while communication material for disseminating the project progress and results will be formulated and social media engagement will be pursued.


3. Type and number of persons benefiting from the project

Although the Victims themselves are the “indirect” target group, the partnership feels is very important to refer to them first, since through the amelioration in the provision of services and the coordination and training of the relevant professionals, effective access to justice for all Victims will be ensured. Furthermore, through the introduction of a more respectful, sensitive and impartial approach on behalf of the first points of contact, the level of support and protection given to victims will be enhanced and safeguarded by the Government. Approximately 9000 victims of crime will benefit from the projects’ results. The direct target group benefiting from the project are key government professionals and other practitioners (200 people) likely to come into contact with victims: a) police officials; b) healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists etc.); c) social services officers; d) educators and; e) legal servants dealing with these cases; f) NGOs or other organizations dealing with relevant issues.


4. Expected results

The project aims to achieve the following results: the quality of services provided on behalf of government institutions and professionals when dealing with victims of violence and crime to be improved; the education and knowledge of practitioners in the field to be enhanced; access to justice and information provided to all victims to be ensured and safeguarded better by the authorities; to strengthen inter-services cooperation between all relevant Ministries and to exchange good practices that will help in shaping more Victim support based system in Cyprus.


5. Type and number of outputs to be produced

The partnership aims to produce high quality outputs including a Final Report, a Quality Assurance Plan, a training Needs Analysis Report for the professionals coming in contact with victims, training material on various forms of violence and crime (45 chapters) and on how to deal with victims while safeguarding their needs and rights, Guidelines and application for screening the victims, a Dissemination Plan, a Website, communication material and events (3000 project leaflets, 9000 services informative leaflet, 4 press releases, 2 press conferences, 2 banners, 50 posters.


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